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Coffee With The Critters™ – Why animals don’t make good Christmas gifts

Join me on Sunday, December 20th at 9 AM EST for another, live-streamed episode of Coffee With The Critters on The Animal Behavior Center’s Facebook page. On this episode, I will be joined by returning guest and professional dog trainer, Dr. Deb Jones. I will also be joined by zookeeper Amanda Hughes. I wanted to have two guests on, in addition to myself, to bring to you, the perspective and input from numerous professionals in the field of working with animals. The three of us work with animals every day and see the concerns with people wanting to get certain animals, especially for Christmas. Join us for this informative and educational live-stream. Even better, share this Event on your Facebook page and help prevent animals from being surrendered to shelters in a few months.
Coffee With The Critters™ is a weekly Facebook, live-streaming episode that takes place here on The Animal Behavior Center’s Facebook page every Sunday morning at 9 am Eastern with the exception to travel and guests. Each week we discuss topics in the field of the science of behavior and understanding behavior with animals from companion, zoo, wildlife ambassadors, and so much more. Feel free to share this event with those you think might have an interest.


December 20, 2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am
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